The Legend
Should you enter the Shady Eye Saloon at this moment, you would be justified in inquiring,
What sort of reputable establishment allows a casket on its bartop?
Mind you, the Shady Eye is a far cry from your average watering hole. Each of us may have our responsible duties in the outside world, but within these dusty walls lies an oasis that speaks to our distinguished comportment in life.
We owe it all to the esteemed
Aloysius Percival
the gentleman now supine in that aforementioned box on the bar. After winning the saloon in a duel, “The Doctor” (as he had come to be known) breathed confident life into this formerly depressed shanty.

His fine spirits – true to their name – are imbued with his genuine zest for living. Even in his passing, The Doctor’s venerable life inspires our sense of bold individuality.

Which brings us to our reason for celebrating today. Gaze around at all who have come to pay their respects: